Changing a child's name is a significant decision that requires navigating through legal processes and adhering to specific procedures. Whether you're considering a name change for your child due to divorce, adoption, or personal reasons, understanding the steps involved is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of changing a minor's name in Florida, covering important aspects such as filing a petition, obtaining court approval, and updating identification documents.
Changing A Minor's Name in Florida
To start the process of changing a minor's name in Florida, it is essential to comprehend the legal requirements. Unlike adults who can change their name at the age of 18, minors require a court order approved by the consent of their guardians and parents. Familiarize yourself with these regulations before proceeding with the name change process.
1. Filing the Name Change Petition
The parents or guardians of the minor must initiate the name change process by filing a petition on behalf of the child. If both parents agree and reside in the same county as the minor, they should file the petition jointly. However, if one parent does not reside in the same county or disagrees with the name change, the parent residing in the county may file individually. The petitioners will also need to have their fingerprints taken by local law enforcement and attach them to the petition.
2. Completing the Petition and Notarization
Carefully complete the Petition for Name Change of Minor Children, providing all the required information. If you wish to change the names of multiple children, there is a supplemental form available. Take the unsigned petition to a Public Notary for signature. Both parents should sign the petition if filing jointly, while only the filing parent should sign if filing individually. Remember not to sign the petition until you are in the presence of a Public Notary.
3. Filing the Petition with the Court
Make two copies of the notarized petition and any supplemental forms. Visit the Circuit Court Clerk's office in the county where the minor resides and file the petition, paying the required filing fee. Obtain a stamped copy of the petition and inquire about the scheduling of a hearing, if necessary.
4. Obtaining Consent or Serving Non-consenting Parents
If both parents consent to the name change, the consent form must be filled out, signed, and notarized by the non-filing parent residing in a different county. File one consent form for each non-filing parent. If a parent does not consent, they must be formally served with a copy of the petition and hearing date. Consult with the clerk's office for guidance on the service process, which may involve hiring a process server or using constructive service methods.
5. Attending the Final Hearing
Depending on the county, a final hearing may be required or waived if the name change is uncontested. Prepare for the hearing by bringing all filed documents, including a Final Judgment form. If the judge grants the petition, they will sign the original judgment, which should be filed with the clerk's office. Request certified copies of the judgment for official records.
6. Updating Identification Documents
After obtaining the signed Final Judgment, it is essential to update your child's name on official identification documents. Visit the Social Security Administration and the Vital Records Office in Florida to complete the necessary name change procedures. Certified copies of the judgment may be required by these offices for their records.
Navigating the process of changing your child's name in Florida can be complex and overwhelming. From filing the petition to attending the final hearing and updating identification documents, each step requires careful attention to detail. To ensure a smooth and successful name change for your child, it is crucial to have the guidance and expertise of a qualified family law attorney by your side. A knowledgeable attorney can provide valuable advice, handle the legal paperwork, and represent your interests throughout the process. At Family Matter we can provide personalized assistance and expert guidance in navigating the name change process for your child. Contact us today for a free quote.
Marcus Osuigwe Reply
Posted Aug 24, 2024 at 11:04:22
Approximately how much is the cost to legally change the name of my minor child in Florida?
Posted Sep 07, 2024 at 23:47:21
Thank you for reaching out regarding the name change process. In Florida, the name change process typically involves the following steps:
1. Filing a Petition: You must file a Petition for Change of Name with the court in the county where you reside.
2. Background Check: A background check is required, including fingerprinting.
3. Court Hearing: After the petition is filed and the background check is complete, the court will schedule a hearing to review the request.
4. Issuance of Court Order: If the petition is approved, the court will issue an order to change your name.
Common Questions:
• The entire process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the court’s schedule and the completion of the background check.
• An attorney is recommended, though not necessary, because of the procedural requirements of filing the correct paperwork and scheduling and attending a hearing.
• The process is not lengthy and can usually be accomplished within a month or so. Once your name is changed, your birth certificate is amended to reflect the new name.
Jurisdiction and Venue Requirements:
• The petition for a name change must be filed in the county’s circuit court where you reside.
• You must be a county resident for at least six months before filing the petition.
Costs and Consultation:
• We charge a flat fee of $1500 for name changes.
• Our office routinely handles name changes, and typically, it is a low-cost process.
• An attorney is recommended, though not necessary, because of the procedural requirements of filing the correct paperwork and scheduling and attending a hearing. Further, some individuals are not eligible in Florida for a name change.
• We are happy to provide a free consultation on name changes.
Name Change of Children:
• An adult who has sole parental responsibility or two parents together who have shared parental responsibility can petition the court to change the name of a minor child.
• As long as you have either the parents’ agreement or sole parental responsibility, the process is relatively quick and uncomplicated.
• If you have shared parental responsibility and do not have the agreement of the other parent, the process is more difficult and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
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