The State of Florida can intervene in a parent's rights to their children if there are allegations of abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
In these cases, parents may find themselves faced with the possible removal of their child and dealing with many different agencies, including ChildNet, the Attorney General's Office, the Guardian ad Litem Program, and more. This system can be complicated and overwhelming for parents. At Family Matters Law Group, we are experienced in the Dependency system and the relevant laws. We can assist parents with navigating a case plan or preparing them for a trial.
Often times it is not just parents that need help navigating the dependency system. Often relatives would like to step in to either temporarily or permanently help the children of these cases. We often assist relatives in dependency cases with navigating their options and rights. While normally relatives do not have rights in family legal proceedings in Florida, there are some instances where that may not be true. If a child you are related to is involved in the dependency system and you'd like to know what options you have to be involved or help – whether that is as short term as providing the child a place to live during the process, or having access to timesharing or as permanent as a adoption, we can help.

Dependency cases require the Court to move swiftly. By law, the Court must have a shelter hearing within 24 hours after a shelter petition is filed. Unfortunately, many parents fail to get the legal guidance and representation they need, due to the emotional shock and time needed to prepare for the hearing. It's imperative to seek representation with a lawyer familiar with parental rights in Florida, and who is equally compassionate about helping parents go through this difficult situation. Family Matters Law Group has years of experience dealing with just these types of cases. Don't hesitate, contact us today for a consultation.